Yearly Archives: 2018

20 12, 2018

Christmas Fun

By |2018-12-20T14:51:45+00:00December 20th, 2018|Foundation|

We have had such a busy last week at school. We made some delicious chocolate cookies for the people at the Friary Drop in Centre. Charlotte came to collect them along with a cheque for £220.05 which we raised at the Nativity plays. Thank you for your generous contributions. It [...]

20 12, 2018

Away In A Manger

By |2018-12-20T14:10:59+00:00December 20th, 2018|Foundation|

  We hope that you all enjoyed our Nativity play. We were so proud of our shining stars in Sunshine and Rainbow Classes. Well done everyone, super singing, lovely loud voices and you all looked amazing!

20 12, 2018

Year 6 Learning Letter – Spring Term 1

By |2018-12-20T13:45:00+00:00December 20th, 2018|Year 6|

Happy New Year! We hope you had a fun and restful time and that you’re ready to delve into another exciting term in Year 6. We have lots of fun things planned for this term. Please click the link below for this term's Learning Letter. Year6 Newsletter Spring 1 2019

16 12, 2018


By |2018-12-16T18:15:47+00:00December 16th, 2018|Year 5|

Even two weeks of rain didn't seem to dampen the children's enthusiasm for orienteering.... Great running, team work and map reading from everyone.

15 12, 2018

Christmas is coming!!! :)

By |2018-12-15T16:47:40+00:00December 15th, 2018|Foundation|

This week we have been feeling very Christmassy in Foundation! Here we are enjoying some festive Finger Gym activities... We have been very busy creating some beautiful Christmas and winter crafts. Here are some more photographs from our week... Next week we will be having a party on Wednesday, [...]

13 12, 2018

RSPB Visit

By |2018-12-13T08:18:42+00:00December 13th, 2018|Homepage Slider, Year 2|

Today we had a visit from Ros, who works for the RSPB. She came to help us identify different habitats around our school. We learnt orienteering skills of using a map to plot our position in the school grounds.

8 12, 2018

School Council Toy Appeal!

By |2019-03-12T17:30:28+00:00December 8th, 2018|Homepage Slider, School Council, Special Events|

THANK YOU so much to everybody who kindly donated toys and other gifts for our School Council Toy Appeal. We collected an impressive twelve big bags of presents!! Here are some photographs of our busy School Council elves sorting all the presents... We donated six bags of presents to the Family Fostering [...]

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