Monthly Archives: March 2019

12 03, 2019

World Book Day 2019

By |2019-03-12T19:39:31+00:00March 12th, 2019|Homepage Slider, News, Special Events|

What a fabulous World Book Day and Readathon Week was had at Abbey Road! Bedtime stories during the day, stories by the fireside, wizards casting reading spells in classrooms, reading in unusual places, building reading dens, sharing stories with family and friends... the week has been filled with reading adventures and we have loved [...]

7 03, 2019

World Book Day Art – Make a Dragonfly

By |2019-03-12T18:36:46+00:00March 7th, 2019|Year 2|

In Year 2, we spent today looking at a book called 'There's a Tiger In the Garden.' In the morning, we wrote an imaginary adventure about the amazing things we might see on a journey into our garden. In the afternoon we made a beautiful dragonfly and had the chance to share our work [...]

4 03, 2019

Year 1 World Book Week

By |2019-03-04T17:02:01+00:00March 4th, 2019|Year 1|

It was a great start to book week in Year 1! The children enjoyed reading some of their favourite books as part of the school's reading relay in the Nest.

2 03, 2019

A week of Superheroes and Welly Wednesday!

By |2019-03-02T10:32:17+00:00March 2nd, 2019|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

It's official - we are now half-way through the school year! Hasn't the time flown by? What a lovely, sunny welcome to the Spring 2 term we have had! We have launched our Superheroes topic. We have been enjoying lots of exciting superhero stories, made our own superhero accessories such as masks and special [...]

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