Monthly Archives: October 2020

7 10, 2020

Y1 Messages from Rapunzel

By |2020-10-07T17:28:50+01:00October 7th, 2020|Year 1|

In our literacy this week, Year 1 have been writing messages from Rapunzel asking to be rescued from the tower. We made our messages into paper aeroplanes to see how well the message could fly!

4 10, 2020

Invasion Games – Hockey

By |2020-10-04T20:47:04+01:00October 4th, 2020|Year 3|

We have been enjoying learning about invasion games, in our Year 3 bubble, within our PE topic this half term. So far we have explored some of the different skills needed within football and rugby. This week, we moved onto hockey and focused on passing within a team and  manoeuvring around obstacles. We all [...]

4 10, 2020

Pirate week Foundation

By |2020-10-04T20:05:15+01:00October 4th, 2020|Foundation|

This week Pirate Pete stole our special treasure box. He left a note saying that if we all wrote him a letter he would send us a map to show us where he had hidden the treasure. So we got busy writing lovely letters. His map led us to the treasure chest and we [...]

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