Monthly Archives: February 2021

21 02, 2021

Year 6 Home Learning Spring 2 Week 1

By |2021-02-23T09:06:14+00:00February 21st, 2021|Year 6|

Spring 2 Week 1 Home Learning Welcome back to another half term!   We hope you have a fun time taking a break from school work and that you’re excited to jump into some new topics with us.   After a week away from your desk, it is a good opportunity to make sure that you have your working area [...]

21 02, 2021

Monday 22nd February

By |2021-02-21T16:36:01+00:00February 21st, 2021|Year 4|

Good morning everybody. We hope you had a fabulous half-term and managed to get out and about. It was good to feel the sun on our faces occasionally. We know that you will  be full of energy and ready to go this morning. But just in case you have forgotten - there is a [...]

20 02, 2021

Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 23/2/21

By |2021-02-12T14:10:29+00:00February 20th, 2021|Year 1|

Tuesday 23rd February Good morning! Here is home learning for Tuesday. At 1.30pm today 1HB have their Live Chat. Have you got a plant you could bring to show?! We can all enjoy looking at some different houseplants. We can look at the leaves, describe the colour and maybe name them if you are [...]

20 02, 2021

Year 1 Home learning Monday 22/2/21

By |2021-02-12T14:26:01+00:00February 20th, 2021|Year 1|

Monday 22nd February Welcome to a fresh new half term We hope you have enjoyed a little break from home-schooling and had some nice walks, read some books and maybe played some board games. This half term our topic is all about plants and trees and birds. We will be looking at plants and [...]

19 02, 2021

Chinese New Year and our Happy video

By |2021-02-26T11:49:11+00:00February 19th, 2021|Foundation|

What a super last week of term we have all had! It has been a lot of fun learning about Chinese New Year and about the Zodiac animals! We even designed and made our own dragons! We had a try [...]

19 02, 2021

Year 2 Home Learning Information – 22.02.21

By |2021-02-19T16:16:03+00:00February 19th, 2021|News, Year 2|

Year 2 Home Learning - Monday 22nd February Hello everyone and welcome back. We hope that you have had a lovely holiday, managed to get outdoors and active as much as possible and enjoyed some lovely time together. Today we are going to start our new theme for this half term which we hope [...]

19 02, 2021

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

By |2021-02-22T08:13:37+00:00February 19th, 2021|Year 3|

Happy Monday Year 3! 🙂 Welcome back to learning from home!  We hope you have managed to have a break, relax, have lots of fun and do things you enjoy.  Now, we hope you are re-energised ready for another fun week of home learning!  We have got some new exciting topics we are looking forward [...]

14 02, 2021

Year 6 Explanation Text Writing

By |2021-02-25T12:07:19+00:00February 14th, 2021|News, Year 6|

After two weeks of developing our non-fiction writing skills, Year 6 were able to produce these fantastic examples of an explanation text linked to our science learning about the circulatory system. [...]

12 02, 2021

It’s a wrap!!!

By |2021-02-12T17:22:01+00:00February 12th, 2021|Homepage Slider, Year 2|

Wow Year 2 - you have all followed your designs so carefully and as a result your wraps looked amazing.  Thank you for all the photos sent in from home - we hope everybody had fun and enjoyed eating them!  Have fun looking through the photos we have taken in school and that you [...]

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