Monthly Archives: June 2021

16 06, 2021

Year 3 enjoy weaving and dipping our freshly picked strawberries

By |2021-06-16T17:58:16+01:00June 16th, 2021|Year 3|

Year 3 really enjoyed making a 'God's eye' today using wool and sticks.  It was lovely to see the children overcoming the difficulties of weaving and creating some beautiful keepsakes. We also picked some strawberries from our garden, then dipped them in chocolate we had melted over our fire! Apologies if we came home [...]

16 06, 2021

Song to learn for homework!

By |2021-06-16T15:14:27+01:00June 16th, 2021|Year 6|

For homework this week, we would like the children to learn their lines for our Year 6 production. This includes spoken lines and song lyrics. Lots of children have been asking for the lyrics that we have re-written to Coldplay's song, 'Fix You'. You can find the new lyrics below and use this backing [...]

13 06, 2021

Foundation Summer 2 week 1

By |2021-06-13T11:07:46+01:00June 13th, 2021|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

Welcome to our final term in Foundation. Where has the time gone? We are all so proud of how much progress all of the children have made. We had a great start to Our World topic and we were so pleased with how enthusiastic the children were  to take care of their environment. Great [...]

11 06, 2021

Year 5 Homework – Friday 11th June 2021

By |2021-06-11T18:04:09+01:00June 11th, 2021|Year 5|

Hello everyone Well done for settling in to the new half-term.  It has been another busy week with some assessments and the launch of our new Science topic 'Living things and their Habitats'. Please click here this half-term's 'Learning Letter'. Homework Spellings - Here is the PowerPoint that we looked at today and shows [...]

9 06, 2021

Reusing Materials – Year 2 Homework

By |2021-06-09T14:13:24+01:00June 9th, 2021|Homepage Slider, Year 2|

Wow! We have been so impressed with the quality of the recent half term homework. So many inspiring and creative ideas for making 'Something old into Something new'. Thank you for showing and telling us about your fabulous creations. Well done Year 2. [...]

7 06, 2021

Welcome Back!!

By |2021-06-07T10:08:23+01:00June 7th, 2021|Year 2|

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back to Year 2!  We hope you enjoyed a week of sun, paddling pools and ice creams! Please find attached our welcome back letter and curriculum coverage letter for this half term: Year 2 Learning Letter Summer 2 Welcome Back Year 2 Summer 2 Kindest regards, The Year 2 [...]

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