Monthly Archives: October 2021

10 10, 2021

Pet Week!

By |2021-10-10T15:20:30+01:00October 10th, 2021|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

Pet Week! We have had such an exciting week in Foundation, with quite a few furry visitors! On Monday we met Sam our 'pretend' Foundation dog! We all enjoyed walking Sam and caring for him in his crate. The children learnt lots about caring for different animals. Shock News! Sam got lost! Thanks to all [...]

8 10, 2021

Mrs Phillips Reads Chapter 6 of Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape

By |2021-10-08T19:14:43+01:00October 8th, 2021|Year 3|

Following on from Miss Moore's reading of Chapter 5, I bring you Chapter 6!  There is a big reveal... Enjoy! Mrs Phillips xxx

6 10, 2021

Year 3 Home Learning!

By |2021-10-06T13:44:40+01:00October 6th, 2021|Year 3|

Hello to all isolating, We hope you are all ok and are sending you speedy recoveries and best wishes. If you are feeling up to doing some school work (and your parents are well enough too!)  please go onto the home learning page on our website and try out some of the tasks. These [...]

2 10, 2021

Foundation Pirate Pranks

By |2021-10-02T18:53:15+01:00October 2nd, 2021|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

The children have learnt so much through our Pirate week. They are recognising numbers and amounts. They are recognising and writing letters and beginning to blend sounds to read words. Well done little Pirates! In finger gym they picked up tiny treasure to get fingers ready for writing. They have walked the plank and [...]

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