Monthly Archives: January 2022

16 01, 2022

Year 1 Marble Jars are full!

By |2022-01-16T13:20:08+00:00January 16th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 1|

The Year 1 children have been doing lots of fabulous reading at home and this week there was lots of excitement as both classes managed to fill their jars full of marbles. What a great team effort from all of the children. As part of our treat we had fun decorating and eating biscuits! [...]

12 01, 2022

Week 2- Goldilocks

By |2022-01-16T20:26:36+00:00January 12th, 2022|Foundation|

Week 2- Goldilocks and the Three Bears The children have loved using the Three Bears Cottage to act out the story so much, we kept it for another week! In maths we used the balance scales to measure porridge oats to match Daddy, Mummy and Baby bear. The children then sorted the bowls into [...]

11 01, 2022

Sedimentary Sandwich!

By |2022-01-11T15:45:00+00:00January 11th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

This afternoon year 3 learnt what lies beneath our feet. We found out about the layers of the Earth- crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. We then looked in more detail at the crust which is the thinnest layer (but isn't thin at all!!). The crust is made up of sedimentary rock which [...]

7 01, 2022

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

By |2022-01-07T19:41:34+00:00January 7th, 2022|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

It has been so lovely to see so many happy faces back in Foundation. The children are keen and ready to learn. We started our Fairy Stories topic with "Goldilocks and The Three Bears." Look at the wonderful bear masks that we made. We loved acting out the story in our role play area. [...]

6 01, 2022

What’s going on in Year 5 – Spring Term

By |2022-01-06T16:02:26+00:00January 6th, 2022|Year 5|

Our first few days back at school following Christmas have been great! We have been so impressed with the settled and mature way the children have returned to school and we are really looking to 2022! Please click the link below where you will find details of the main areas of work your child [...]

5 01, 2022

Welcome Back!!

By |2022-01-05T16:32:13+00:00January 5th, 2022|Year 3|

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back!  We hope you have had a restful Winter break and have enjoyed some quality time with your loved ones. Please find a link to our latest Welcome Back Letter, detailing what we will be covering this half term. Welcome-back-letter-Spring 1 Kindest, The Year 3 Team [...]

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