Monthly Archives: March 2022

15 03, 2022

Taking care of our environment and all that’s in it!

By |2022-03-15T16:52:38+00:00March 15th, 2022|Year 3|

Recently Abbey Road were contacted about a  “Home for Wildlife” Nature Competition put together by the Notts Outdoors team and a local councillor. The competition encourages children to think about the types of wildlife that live around them, the habitats they need for survival and for them to use their imagination to come up with [...]

14 03, 2022

Bike Club

By |2022-03-14T20:07:42+00:00March 14th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Sporting News|

The sun shone again for bike club and the children continued to impress us with their cycling skills. As was always the tradition (pre-covid) we finished the session with relay races. Here are some of the children in action. [...]

10 03, 2022

The Ambulance Service

By |2022-03-10T20:48:03+00:00March 10th, 2022|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

We have learnt lots about the Ambulance Service and how they look after us. We had a visit from Mike who works as an ambulance technician who showed us his uniform and some of the equipment he uses to help people. The children had a go at making slings and bandaging arms. They learnt [...]

3 03, 2022

Police and World Book Day

By |2022-03-09T12:00:48+00:00March 3rd, 2022|Foundation|

This week we have really enjoyed learning all about the police! We have loved being in role as police officers and playing in the police station. We have enjoyed some challenges linked to our police theme including colouring by number and matching numerals on police cars to different representations of numbers on police officers. [...]

2 03, 2022

‘Ready to Ride’

By |2022-03-02T08:41:03+00:00March 2nd, 2022|Homepage Slider|

Our younger children, who can't yet ride a two wheeled bike unaided, have been having good fun taking part in British Cycling's 'Ready to Ride' programme. We look forward to seeing them progress over the next few weeks.

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