Monthly Archives: April 2022

29 04, 2022


By |2022-04-29T21:37:25+01:00April 29th, 2022|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

Our mini-beast of the week has been the snail! And we have learnt so much about them! We loved observing snails and making some scientific sketches of them. We have enjoyed taking part in lots of snail inspired activities this week including: Cutting out spirals, Making play-dough snails, Writing facts about snails, [...]

26 04, 2022

A very muddy afternoon!

By |2022-04-27T08:08:52+01:00April 26th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

This week we started our new science topic, learning how plants live, grow and stay healthy. We began today's FS session by setting up a science experiment exploring how plants change if they are not given water/light/space/oxygen/roots/leaves or if they have too much water. Each group were given two plants one of which they [...]

26 04, 2022

Year 6 Design & Technology

By |2022-04-26T16:04:33+01:00April 26th, 2022|Year 6|

Year 6 had the enjoyable task of conducting some research on different dips, focusing on their aromas, textures and tastes. The children sampled their dips, discussed the ingredients, as well as trying some different herbs too. We also talked about food miles and where our food comes from. [...]

23 04, 2022

Mini-beasts Spiders

By |2022-04-23T10:14:59+01:00April 23rd, 2022|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

Welcome back to you all, for our final term in Foundation. We start our mini-beast topic by learning about spiders. We threaded our own webs and learnt that all webs look different. We have learnt lots of new knowledge about spiders and their body parts. Your child should be able to tell you lots [...]

21 04, 2022

Managing and supporting children experiencing anxiety

By |2022-04-21T15:31:21+01:00April 21st, 2022|News|

We hosted a parent workshop in April, delivered by the Tackling Emerging Threats to Children Team, around managing and supporting children experiencing anxiety/worries and fears. The following slides (although some confusing out of context!) and videos give some helpful tips and advice on the topic, which we hope you find useful! Click here to [...]

21 04, 2022

Year 6 Learning Letter – Summer Term 1

By |2022-04-23T14:21:13+01:00April 21st, 2022|Year 6|

The countdown is on! The summer weather is heating up and so is our revision as we prepare for SATs. In school, we are busy preparing the children for their upcoming tests. We are working hard but continue to encourage the children to enjoy ‘down time’ at home and at the weekends. Please click [...]

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