Monthly Archives: April 2022

20 04, 2022

Year 1 Visit White Post Farm

By |2022-04-20T20:41:09+01:00April 20th, 2022|Year 1|

Year 1 had a lovely sunny day at the farm. We enjoyed seeing goats, sheep, donkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, snakes and lots more too! The children were super and we all enjoyed it.

20 04, 2022

Welcome Back to Summer 1

By |2022-04-20T14:58:04+01:00April 20th, 2022|Year 3|

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back!  We hope you enjoyed a relaxing  Easter break!  Summer 1 looks set to be action packed with our new exciting topic, The Shang Dynasty! For more information about what we will be covering this half term, please click on the following link: Welcome Back Learning Letter: Summer 1 [...]

19 04, 2022

Exploring Ancient China in Forest School!

By |2022-04-19T17:50:03+01:00April 19th, 2022|Year 3|

In today's FS session we introduced our topic 'Ancient China'. In history lessons, we will be mainly focusing on the Shang Dynasty. First, we studied some artwork by the Chinese painter Xu Xi. We looked carefully at his artwork discussing what we noticed, liked and disliked about some of his most famous collections. Next, [...]

1 04, 2022

Year 6 Rugby

By |2022-04-01T17:24:19+01:00April 1st, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 6|

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their final rugby session with All Stars Rugby. Well done Year 6 for some excellent teamwork, skills and resilience battling through the different weather we have had this half term! [...]

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