Yearly Archives: 2022

24 11, 2022

3SP Visit the Library!

By |2022-11-24T19:00:18+00:00November 24th, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book." (Dr Seuss) 3SP have had such a lovely afternoon listening to stories read aloud, choosing books to read for pleasure and discussing their choices with their classmates.  It was so lovely to see noses in books and [...]

22 11, 2022

3M become archeologists!

By |2022-11-22T19:16:06+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

Today 3M went to Nottingham University to meet with a group of archaeologists who specialise in studying artefacts from the prehistoric ages. We had an extremely busy day immersing ourselves in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. Throughout the day we completed a range of activities such as creating our own cave paintings, making [...]

21 11, 2022

Winter Wonderland- Penguins

By |2022-11-21T15:57:34+00:00November 21st, 2022|Foundation|

It is Anti-bullying week and to launch this national event we enjoyed Odd Sock Monday! Our message to the children is;  it is ok to be different. The children have enjoyed designing their own odd socks. Winners of this competition will be announced Friday! We also met our new Year 3 buddy partners who [...]

18 11, 2022

A SPOTacular Children in Need 2022 at Abbey Road Primary School!

By |2022-11-19T09:55:25+00:00November 18th, 2022|Homepage Slider, News, School Council, Special Events|

A SPOTacular Children in Need 2022 at Abbey Road Primary School! What a wonderful day we have had raising money for Children in Need!  The children all looked wonderful in their spots, colours and whacky hair!  The whole school attended the fair, planned and organised by the wonderful Abbey Road School and Wellbeing Council! [...]

15 11, 2022

By |2022-11-15T17:49:57+00:00November 15th, 2022|Year 3|

In today's Forest School session we took our history learning outside and created Stone Age-inspired cave paintings. Just as the hunter-gatherers would have done we used berries, mud and found objects for paint and our hands/sticks for paintbrushes. The children worked really hard to convey a message in their cave paintings and we think [...]

15 11, 2022

Odd Socks Day at Abbey Road School!

By |2022-11-15T23:32:18+00:00November 15th, 2022|Homepage Slider, School Council|

Odd Socks Day at Abbey Road School Anti-Bullying Week got off to a very 'odd' start at Abbey Road School!  The children had a wonderful day celebrating that we are all unique by wearing odd socks.  This year, the Anti-Bullying Alliance have chosen the theme 'Reach Out' and at Abbey Road, the School and [...]

14 11, 2022

2LT and 4A Class Buddies

By |2022-11-14T16:26:01+00:00November 14th, 2022|Year 2, Year 4|

Today, to launch Anti-Bullying Week, children across school 'buddied up' to get to know somebody new, from a different class. So, 4A and 2LT buddied up! It was so lovely for both Mrs Avery and Mrs Lever to listen to the happy chatter across the classroom as the children learnt their buddy's name and [...]

13 11, 2022

Meet our new Abbey Road School and Wellbeing Council 2022-2023!

By |2022-11-13T09:50:21+00:00November 13th, 2022|School Council|

Meet our new Abbey Road School and Wellbeing Council representatives! The children have already set to work - collating ideas for upcoming projects and events, as well as making sure their classmate's voices are heard by bringing their classes' thoughts and ideas to our meetings. We have been so impressed with how seriously they [...]

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