Monthly Archives: February 2023

28 02, 2023

A Magical Forest School!

By |2023-02-28T19:29:05+00:00February 28th, 2023|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

This week as part of our magic-themed World Book Day celebrations we have been immersing ourselves in a new book 'The Day I Fell Into A Fairytale'. In the book we meet a young girl called Lana who is rather bored as her brother claims he's 'too old' to play games anymore. As it's [...]

27 02, 2023

Tanzanzia Day

By |2023-02-27T22:08:50+00:00February 27th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, Year 2|

Today, Year 2 'visited' Tanzanaia. We learnt about where Tanzania is located in the world, the closest Ocean and about the weather. We explored the UK and Tanzanian passports and looked at a variety of artefacts, asking questions and predicting what the aretefacts are used for. [...]

25 02, 2023


By |2023-02-25T17:28:23+00:00February 25th, 2023|Foundation|

Welcome back after the half term break. This term our learning topic is 'People who help us'. The children were excited to explore our learning through the text 'Supertato' this week. We were threading the evil peas, molding our own Supertato characters and writing messages to save the vegetables from the evil peas! The [...]

18 02, 2023

Year 1 Scientists

By |2023-02-18T14:17:30+00:00February 18th, 2023|Year 1|

The Year 1 children have enjoyed being scientists. They amazed us with their knowledge of the properties of materials from the Autumn term, which supported their investigative work on ‘Floating and Sinking.’ After predicting and investigating which objects would float or sink, the children tried to make their ball of plasticine float. It was [...]

11 02, 2023

Cross-country racing at Wollaton Park

By |2023-02-11T12:30:43+00:00February 11th, 2023|Homepage Slider, Sporting News|

Well done to all of the children who represented Abbey Road in the High School cross-country races at Wollaton Park! On tough courses, in races with over 100 children, you all did brilliantly and we were so proud to see you finishing with smiles on your faces (almost everyone!) having done your best. Eleanor, [...]

10 02, 2023

Pupil Parliament and Kids Against Plastic (KAP)

By |2023-02-10T19:58:01+00:00February 10th, 2023|Homepage Slider, School Council|

Pupil Parliament and Kids Against Plastic (KAP) Last week, our Pupil Parliament representatives Lily and Millie, went to Nottinghamshire County Council Headquarters to take part in the second Pupil Parliament meeting of the academic year.  The girls took part in a very interesting debate about striking, going on to take part in a discussion [...]

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