Monthly Archives: June 2023

28 06, 2023

Forest Schools during Wellbeing Week

By |2023-06-28T16:45:46+01:00June 28th, 2023|Homepage Slider, News, Special Events, Year 2|

Year 2 enjoyed a wonderful forest schools session on Monday afternoon. We explored different environments around school, created 'snail art' and finished with a delicious smore, using marshmallows that we toasted on the fire! Thank you Mrs Seagrave and Mrs Smith for organising such a lovely afternoon for us all. :) [...]

27 06, 2023

Bike Club at Hicks Lodge

By |2023-06-27T20:38:34+01:00June 27th, 2023|Homepage Slider, Sporting News|

Bike Club had a great day out on our annual visit to Hicks Lodge. Thanks so much to all the parents who joined us and especially those who transported children other than their own. We were so impressed with all of the children and even the staff in the bike shop commented on how [...]

27 06, 2023

Health and Wellbeing Day in Reception.

By |2023-06-27T12:15:48+01:00June 27th, 2023|Foundation, Homepage Slider|

Meet the Gratitude Pig! During our Well-being day we met the 'Gratitude Pig' the children learnt that 'Remembering what you're grateful for helps you see the good stuff as well as the bad'. The children have been writing notes of gratitude and posting them into our gratitude jar. We can read and share these [...]

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