Home Learning Letter

Summer Term 2 – Weeks 7 & 8

Dear Parents/Carers,

As mentioned in last week’s learning letter, the next 2 weeks of home learning will look different. Each bubble will have 2 days in school with their class teacher – on these 2 days, we will be doing lots of transition-based activities, preparing the children for secondary school. When your child is at home, we would like the children to choose their own activities from a selection listed below. There is no expectation to complete all the activities – complete as many as you can. The activities cover different aspects of the curriculum and so children may want to select activities to cover different subjects. Unlike in previous weeks, these activities are different to the ones that children will be completing in school. Children should also be aware that these activities are for over the next 2 weeks – there won’t be a new list of activities next week. Here is a reminder of the dates for the coming weeks:

Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th July:
Miss Wroe’s bubble will be in school with Miss Wroe

Thursday 16th and Friday 17th July:
Mrs Dussek and Mrs Mitchel’s bubble will be in school with Miss Wroe

Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st July:
Mrs Trick’s bubble will be in school with Mr Good

Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd July:
Mr Good’s bubble will be in school with Mr Good

On Friday 24th July ALL of year 6 will be in school having a day of fun!

List of Activities

English – writing

Can you remember how you felt in Year 5 thinking about going into Year 6? What top tips or recommendations would you give Year 5s? Plan out a leaflet or information text about life in Year 6. Then, once you’ve organised your sections, have a go at writing about how to survive Year 6. Remember your reader will be someone similar to your age – you can use humour and informal language if you want! Illustrate it with pictures too.

English – writing

What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years time? What do you think life will be like? Will there be any new inventions or objects? Write a letter to your future self. You might mention what life is like now – it will be fun to read back on this letter in the future! You could ask a family member to keep hold of it until you’re older, or you could put it in a safe place to read in the future.

English – reading

Have a go at these reading comprehensions. There are 4 in the document, each quite short. You do not need to complete all of them at once!

English – reading

Take your current book and find a comfortable spot to read in. Read a few chapters of your book, then discuss the plot with a family member. What do you think will happen next?


For the full week when you are at home, use the White Rose videos online. Use https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ to access the website. Watch the videos for Summer Term Week 12 – this week covers shape, starting with drawing nets of 3D shapes, and some statistics.

Worksheet Day 1   |    Worksheet Day 2      |      Worksheet Day 3      |  Worksheet Day 4

Answers Day 1   |    Answers Day 2          |      Answers Day 3         |  Answers Day 4

We won’t be providing a Quick Fire Friday worksheet for either week, but instead have set up Year 6’s final 6W vs 6G battle on Times Tables Rockstars. Which class will end the year victorious?! The battle starts Monday 13th 8:30am and will end on Friday 24th 8:30am.


For the week when you are home learning for 3 days, have a go at these maths puzzles. They are mystery based puzzles – you will have a list of the suspects, and will need to complete various clues to try and work out the culprit. The answers are at the end of each document.


Over the last few weeks, we have created lots of abstract art. This time, we’re going to focus on drawing portraits or still life. Practice your sketching skills by drawing either a self-portrait or portrait of a family member. Or, you could find an interesting object in your house and practice sketching that. Pay attention to any shadows and try to add tone to your sketch. Proportion is very important in these drawings – look carefully at the size or length of parts of your object or face. Look at this document for support with facial proportions.


Let’s explore some different styles of art. Use this link to find out about street art.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z9sq4xs

Once you have watched the videos, have a go at Activity 1. You could use lots of colours and experiment using felt tips or other pens you might have at home.


Use the link below to have a look at energy and the environment. Explore the different sections at your own pace.



How far did you manage get on Lightbot when we played in school? Have a go at home and see if you can get further. Remember to read the instructions carefully as you learn more about coding.



Use this link to complete a lesson about how to describe the weather in Spanish.



The new plan for this week is published on our school website at:

Click on the most recent link (at the bottom of the list).

Please choose the ideas that are relevant to your child’s age.