Home Learning Letter – Year 6

WB 30.11.20

Dear parents/carers,

Whilst learning from home, there will be a suggested timetable of activities for the children to complete each day. These are the activities that children would have completed if they were in school. We understand that learning from home looks different for each family, and so please use the timetable to suit your family. Please also encourage the children to keep active during this time – this may be by using ‘Just Dance’ videos or games in the house.

This post outlines work for Wednesday 2nd December 2020 and Thursday 3rd December 2020. Further guidance for the week will be uploaded in due course. When completing tasks, children can either do so electronically (via Microsoft PowerPoint or Word) or by recording work in their homework books. If your child does not have their homework book, then separate sheets of paper or a notepad is not a problem. For feedback, please submit work by emailing head@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk.



Use the assignment on Microsoft Teams to access your guided reading task for today. For today’s task, you will need chapter 19 from the scanned chapters in the assignment’s resources section (on Teams). Your work should automatically save, and so you can come back and finish the sheet each day.


Look at page 6 of the Talk for Writing document. First, have a go at persuading a family member to do one of the ‘Crazy persuasions’. Then, have a go at writing a persuasive paragraph to sell the run-down property. Try and include some of the features and techniques you looked at yesterday in your writing.


Today we are looking at squared and cubed numbers. You might already know some things about these numbers already! Watch the video below, and complete this worksheet.

Video: https://vimeo.com/465336467

Worksheet answers: Wednesday answers

If you would like more maths to do, this worksheet for an optional extension activity.


This half term we have been looking at Jesus’s teachings in the New Testament. Today’s session is largely discussion based, so if you’re able to, discuss your ideas with someone as you go through this presentation. At certain points, write down your thoughts or feelings about some of the statements in the presentation – do you agree? Why? Can you give an example of a time where you have experienced the statement or can relate to it?


This half term we have been exploring portraits and practicing how we draw different facial features. This week, we are going to create our final portrait. This is going to be a portrait of someone from World War 2. Have a think – why do people get portraits completed of themselves, particularly during the war?

For our final portrait, you have a choice of 4 people as your subject. Look at the choices using this presentation and decide which you would like to use. Each has a grid added over the top for those of you who wish to use this to help with proportion. You do not have to use the grid! Once you have decided, use a page in your homework book or a sheet of A4 paper and try and re-create the photo as a sketch. Remember, we want to carefully observe the subject – we need to think about proportion and texture as we work. Once you’ve got the main shapes and lines, you should then add shading.



Using teams, complete Thursday’s work. You will need Chapter 20 today – this is saved in the scanned chapters in the resources area of your assignment on Teams.


Look at the model text again from the Talk for Writing document. Can you summarise what each paragraph is about/what its purpose is? Now look at page 7 and see if your ideas were similar.

What is it that makes each paragraph persuasive? What are the features of persuasive texts? Look at Activity 4 in the Talk for Writing document – there are 5 key ways we can persuade the reader. Looking at the model text, have a go at adding quotes from the model text to each bullet point. Some have already been done for you!


Today, we are looking at the order of operations in maths. Watch the video, then have a go at the activities mentioned.


If you would like more maths to do, click here for an optional extension activity. Or, you may enjoy playing this game https://nrich.maths.org/6499.


This half term’s PSHE is about celebrating differences. Use this presentation to look at this week’s focus – Paralympians. Your homework from this week will help you with this task.

If you have any questions or have work to submit, please send an email to head@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk.

Kind regards,

The Year 6 Team