Hello everyone

It’s been another busy week in Year 5.  We’ve been making our Greek myths even better and we’re looking forward to presenting our final pieces next week. With the Ancient Greeks, we’ve been thinking more about their legacy with a particular focus on Democracy and the Olympics.

Last week, we set you a homework (on Teams) to last for the final two weeks of the term.  All of the details are on Teams but here’s a reminder.

Your task is to research one of the following:

  • Socrates, a famous philosopher.
  • Aeschylus – a writer
  • Metrodora, a doctor
  • Pamphile, inventor of the distaff and weaving
  • Archimedes, a mathematician, philosopher and inventor

We would like you to learn about them, their achievements and also to consider what they might have added to ‘Greek legacy’, which is still having impact today! 

You can present your homework however you would like. The more creative you can be, the better!  It might be a poster, a model, a piece of artwork, a video; the choice of how you present your work really is yours. Aim to produce a piece of work that you are proud of and please try to to ‘turn in’ your work on Teams.  This might be a word document, PowerPoint, video, photograph.  We’re really looking forward to seeing your work.


Here is the PowerPoint we used in school with the spelling list for this week.  Aim to practice for a little while each day by handwriting the words. Login to ‘Spelling Shed’ to have a try at the games too.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
