Our mini-beast of the week has been the snail! And we have learnt so much about them! We loved observing snails and making some scientific sketches of them.

We have enjoyed taking part in lots of snail inspired activities this week including:

  • Cutting out spirals,
  • Making play-dough snails,
  • Writing facts about snails,
  • Drawing a snail following step by step instructions,
  • Playing with the Snail and the Whale small world,
  • Using beads and pipe cleaners to make beautiful snail shells.

Here are some more photos from our week ๐Ÿ™‚

Next week it will be GREEN groups turn for Forest School. Their sessions will take place on 5th May, 12th May and 7th July.

This week in phonics we have revised sounds ‘ir’ as in ‘bird’, ‘ou’ as in ‘shout’, ‘oy’ as in ‘toy’ and ‘ea’ as in ‘tea’.

We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚