Thursday 28th January

Finger gym

  • Colour, cut and stick Billy Goats Gruff stick puppets – either print the document below or create your own characters on pieces of paper and cut them out. What can you find around the house to use for the stick? (Lollypop sticks, sticks from a tree or use a straw etc)



  • Watch Mrs Simister’s handwriting video
  • Practice forming the letters w v u on your whiteboard, or in flour, salt, talc or go outside with water and a brush.
  • See Read,Write,Inc rhyme books in book bags.

Understanding the world/ RE – Draw pictures of “The Creation Story”

  • Watch Mrs Simister retell the story of The Creation for RE.

  • Help your child draw the 7 days in order. They can draw these in their workbook.

Send a photo to the email address –

Rainbows –

Sunshines –

Weekly dance

  • Beep Beep I’m A Sheep


  • Warm up
  • Adult – show your child a 10 frame with a certain number of objects on it and ask your child to show one less on their ten frame.
  • You may need to make your own ten frame with a piece of paper so you both have one.
  • Then swap and get the children to show you a number of objects – they will then ask you to add one less, ask them to check if you have done it correctly.
  • As an extra challenge – can they tell what is 2 more or 2 less than the number?

 Extended learning for maths

Dan sentence

  • Watch Mrs Simister’s Dan video –
  • No need for the children to write the sentence yet. Get your child to repeat the sentence to help them get it in their brains and write the words modelled.