Welcome back to school for our last term in Foundation!

It was so lovely to have all of the children back smiling and ready to learn.

We have been learning about Spiders this week as the start of our Mini-beast topic.

We went on a hunt to the allotments  and found lots of min-beasts.

We got our physical in our challenge to climb the wall like a spider.

In  Literacy we chose an animal to draw and wrote in  a speech bubble a question to “The Very Busy Spider”

We were so impressed by the children’s super writing.

In Forest Schools we enjoyed making a big spiders web and crawling like spiders on the net.

We also made our own spiders from stones and twigs.

P.E hurdles and other spider activities.

What a busy week.

Next week we are learning about snails.

If you can find any and hunt them down .

It would really help us if you could bring them into school.

Thank you.

Enjoy the sunshine.