Home Learning Letter – Year 1

Good morning everyone,

We hope you had a super day yesterday. Did anyone do Joe Wicks? We all need to remember to keep active when we’re learning and working at home. We’re always on the go at school so we need to try and keep moving at home too!

Thursday 14th January

Here is the suggested timetable of activities for today.


You usually have PE with Mr Facer on a Thursday morning so we thought it would be a good idea to practise some of the skills you’ve learnt. You could spend 10 minutes in between your other lessons doing these activities.

  • Teach a grown up or sibling Magic Beans (runner bean, baked bean, jelly bean, string bean, broad bean)
  • Travel around the garden – walk, jog, skip, hop, jump, stride – how else could you travel? Can you travel quickly? Slowly?
  • Use a beanbag or soft toy and practise walking around balancing them on your head, your elbow, your shoulder.
  • Stand still and practise throwing and catching your beanbag or toy.
  • Walk around throwing and catching your beanbag – swap hands – how many can you do without dropping?
  • If you have someone to play with practise throwing and catching with each other. How many can you do?
  • Use a hoop or a washing up bowl or skipping rope to make a target and practise throwing your beanbag into the target. Take a step further away. Keep a record of your score. Repeat the activity later in the day – can you beat your score?

You could also use a ball for lots of these activities. Have fun!


Complete the Literacy task set on Teams today.

Read two of your reading books. You could set up a little teddy school and read your books to your teddies. Remember to read with expression to them! You could ask your teddies some questions about the story after too – they might need a bit of help answering!


It’s phonics with Mrs Hicking today – you’ll be learning the are sound. Click on the link here.

Phonics Play – this website has some nice phonics games to play. Follow the link and login – username – jan21  password – home.

Play either phase 2 or 3. You can choose the sound you’d like your child to practise – could be the ones they’ve been learning with Rosie or Mrs Hicking or they could revise all.


Today you are learning about subtraction. Watch the video here and then answer the questions on the worksheet or write your answers in your book.


Last week in RE you learnt about the early life of Moses. Today you are going to learn about what happened next in Moses’ life. Watch the video clip. After you’ve watched the clip think about how Moses felt – why did he want God to send someone else? What was he worried about? Have you ever felt that you couldn’t do something? What happened? Did someone help you? How did that make you feel?

Now make a collage, drawing or painting of the burning bush – click here for some ideas.


Finally, to finish the day Click on the link here to Mrs Toom’s assembly.