HAPPY FRIDAY YEAR 3! 🙂 We are so pleased with all the work you have completed so far this week. Thank you all so much for the Teams responses and e-mails containing your work and a BIG well done for trying your best in everything you have completed.

Today is hopefully the last day you have to learn from home.  We can’t wait to welcome you all back into school on Monday and see your smiling faces again!  We have really missed you and look forward to seeing the classrooms buzzing with fun, laughter and learning again!

Here’s the proposed timetable for today:

Before 9 am – wake up, have breakfast and get ready for the day!

9.00 am  Guided Reading task – Microsoft Teams

9.30 am Break

9:45 am PE

10:30 am Take a break and cool down!

10:50 am Maths

11:35 am Read a book of choice/school reading book

11:55 am Lunchtime

1.00 pm Spanish

2.00 pm RE

3.00pm Story time

Guided Reading

Use Microsoft Teams to complete the Friday section of your assignment.  Remember to press ‘turn in’ for it to be submitted for feedback. If you’re having difficulty with TEAMs, please email to the usual address.

Activity for today:

Guided Reading week 8

The chapter you will need to refer to:

Dinosaur Trouble Chapter 11


Next week, when we are all together, we will be having some fun using the hurdles at school and putting into practice the skills we learnt last week in Miss Moore’s PE lesson. Use today’s PE session to practice your hurdle jumping, having fun with your home-made hurdles. Remember what Miss Moore said last week – make sure you have plenty of space, do not use anything pointy and if in doubt, go slow and low with your hurdles!

Warm up – play ‘cat, dog, rabbit, fish’ to get your heart rate up. (Remember – cat: asleep down low, dog: run around quickly, rabbit: 2 footed jump around, fish: slow rhythmic arm movements.)

Main Activity – practice your new hurdle skills

Cool down – star breathing to reduce pulse down to resting. (Remember – breathe in, hold for 5 seconds, breathe out, hold for 5 seconds – repeat 5 times.)


Today we continue to learn about measurement by looking at how 1 cm is the same as 10 mm (cm = centimetres and mm = millimetres)  There is a printable ruler here with cm and mm on if you don’t have one to hand.  printable ruler

Today, we will see if we can match equivalent measurements using these two units of measurement.   Watch the video below then click on the worksheet links below.  There is no need to print out the worksheets – look on screen and write your answers on paper.  The answer link allows you to check and mark your own work.

Friday sheet

Friday answers


Today we continue with our new unit ¿Tienes Una Mascota? (Do You Have A Pet?). In this lesson you will recap the eight animals in Spanish that you have already learnt and will also learn to apply the structure ‘Tengo… + UN ANIMAL’ (I have + AN ANIMAL) to say which pet you have.
Support notes to help understand the video and the english translations-
As always, if there is anything we can help with, please get in touch by emailing year3@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk 🙂



Login details:
Username: AbbeyR1403
Password: lahome

We are ‘intermediate level’ and Unit 6: Do you have a pet? Lesson 1 in this lesson you will learn how to say eight animals in Spanish.

Here is the worksheet you can either print or record your answers on paper and also the answers to mark your work:
Do you have a pet week 2
Do you have a pet week 2 answers
Today we will be learning about what Hindus believe about God. Read this PowerPoint and complete the reflective task at the end (you do not need to print anything – it can be completed on plain paper).


Time to unwind with a good book:

We are so proud of each and every one of you, you have all worked so hard and tried your very best in many different ways. a HUGE thank you and a big well done!

Enjoy, stay safe and keep smiling Year 3! See you next week! EEEEK we are so excited!

Take care,

Miss Moore, Mrs Seagrave & Mrs Turner