Year 3 Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

Happy Monday Year 3! 🙂

We hope you have had a restful weekend and feel ready to start a new week of learning!  Hopefully this is the last Monday of home learning! We are so looking forward to seeing you all in school again next Monday!  I imagine we will have lots to talk about and tell each other!  It will be so nice to see you chatting and playing with your friends again!

Below is the work for today!

As always, remember, we are here for you should you need anything just send us an email at

Today’s suggested learning timetable:

Before 9 am – Breakfast and dressed ready for the day!

9.00a.m. Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga, Just Dance or why not try this weblink

9.30 am Guided Reading

9.50 am Take a break

10.00 am Maths

10.45 am Take a break

11.00 English

11.45 am Try some mindfulness colouring

12.00 Take a break for lunch

12.45 pm Handwriting

1.00 pm Geography – learn about mountains

2.00 pm Personal choice of: Creative play / reading/mindfulness / Lego / Drawing / cooking or crafting / walking / playing outside

Guided Reading;

For today’s guided reading task we would like you to read Chapter 10 of Dinosaur Trouble. there is no teams task today! Click on the link below to read it or access it through TEAMS.

Dinosaur trouble Chapter 10


Today we start a new unit called Measurement.  For this lesson you will need a ruler with cm (centimetres) and mm (millimetres) on it.  If you don’t have one you can click this link and print one to use! printable ruler

Watch the video below then complete the worksheet using the link.  As always, do not feel the need to print out the sheets, look at them on screen and write your answers on paper at home.  Mark your own work using the answer links afterwards!

MOnday sheet

Monday answers


As we only have three literacy lessons this week due to World Book  Day, we are focusing on recapping things we have learnt so far in Year 3. Today’s lesson we are reminding ourselves of the correct punctuation when writing a list. We will also be talking about the power of 3, which you will find out more about when you watch the clip.

This week we are using a clip called ‘The Delivery’ to support our learning. The Delivery is a 2005 animated short film by German digital and visual artist, graphic designer and filmmaker Till Nowak, with a powerful message that really makes you think.  Today we would like you to watch the film up to 3 min 40 seconds and then pause it. We had tried to upload a cut version for you but unfortunately, it wouldn’t work  (sorry!) After watching the clip you are asked to describe the settings using commas and the power of 3. Here is the worksheet if you wish to print- delivery settings worksheet


Practise this week’s spelling by writing them beautifully and neat on the lines. Look carefully at which letters are tall, how letters join and which letters go below the line.  Try and keep all your letters within the guidelines! Click on the link below – you don’t have to print!



In today’s geography lesson we are answering the questions ‘What is a mountain?’  andWhat are mountains like in the UK?’

Please watch the lesson below to find out more-

Your independent task today is to label the physical features of a mountain. You can either print this template or just have a go at drawing a mountain shape on paper to label- Mount Everest labelling physical features

At the end of the recorded lesson, we ask you to watch this clip. It sums up the lessons learning nicely and we hope as you are watching you will be filled with pride that you know lots of the information already-
Extension task (optional)-
As explained in the clip, if you are particularly interested in finding out more about mountains in the UK, we are setting you the challenge to look up some of these mountains and mountain ranges on google earth- it really is so interesting to see them close up and compare.
Some well-known mountain ranges in the four countries that make up the UK:
  • the Cairngorms in Scotland
  • the Pennines in England
  • the Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland
  • Snowdonia in Wales

The highest mountains in the UK are:

  • Ben Nevis in Scotland (also the highest in the UK)
  • Scafell Pike in England
  • Slieve Donard in Northern Ireland
  • Snowdon in Wales,-3.6066143,834.48803925a,2621.68323793d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=CoUBGlsSVQolMHg0ODg1ZjA3YWQyOTk5ZmM1OjB4MmYyMGRlZjg1MzhmYmEzMRmVGussxIdMQCGXSR6ZWNoMwCoadGhlIENhaXJuZ29ybXMgaW4gU2NvdGxhbmQYAiABIiYKJAmqbmWKFIxMQBFpsos904NMQBmENe0-VmQMwCH-y2mn1uwMwCgC

Take care, stay safe and enjoy!

Year 3 Team!

By |2021-02-27T16:05:10+00:00February 27th, 2021|Year 3|

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