Good morning everybody 😊,

We hope that you’ve had a lovely weekend and that you are feeling refreshed and ready for a new week of home learning.

Here are your lessons and tasks for today:

Mrs Toom’s Assembly

Click here to watch Mrs Toom’s ‘inspiring people’ assembly.


Click here to watch Mrs Mitchell beginning ‘Part 5’ of Wonder.

Guided Reading

Please click hereΒ for your guided reading task today.


Today you are going to focus on building cohesion within paragraphs, to make sure that they are fluent and enjoyable to read. Please click here for your video lesson. Here is a copy of the paragraph that you will edit within the lesson. You might like to edit on the sheet, or you may choose to rewrite the paragraph out onto plain paper.


This week, we will move on from multiplication to learn more about division. Please click here for your video lesson. You don’t need a worksheet today but we would like you to use this website, which you used a couple of weeks ago to explore multiplication, once you have finished watching the video.


This is your final lesson of our ‘Space’ topic. Please click here to watch your video lesson and to find out about your ‘sundial’ task.

Times Tables Rockstars

Playing TTRS will help you to gain confidence and speed with your times tables knowledge. This will continue to support you as we move into division this week.


Keep playing on EdShed to help you learn your spelling rule this week.

Daily Reading

Keep spending a bit of time each day enjoying a good book!

Stay Active

Remember, it’s so important for your wellbeing to get a bit of fresh air and exercise each day. Are you planning to go for a walk today? Or a bike ride? Maybe you’re enjoying playing in the garden each day. Keeping yourself active will help to keep your mind and your body feeling happy 😊.

Have a wonderful day, remember, if you would like to share any of your work with us today, you can email it over to us at

Keep working hard, we are so proud of you all!

Miss Healey and Mrs Mitchell 😊