Home Learning Letter

Summer Term 2 – Week 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you’ve had a restful and fun weekend. It’s time to jump into another action-packed week of learning. 6G are in school this week and 6W will continue their learning at home. All of the tasks that you complete at home will be completed by the children in school too.

Last week, we were introduced to the story ‘Flotsam’. We had great fun thinking and wondering about the amazing pictures in the book. This week, we are going to develop this further by creating our own story based in an underwater world! It has been a while since we spent some time doing a longer piece of writing and so, this week, we are going to write a much longer story – you could even divide it into chapters if you like.

Just for fun: When you have a bath this week, take the time to float in the water in silence. Practice holding your breath and lying there motionless. What does it feel like? What does it sound like? Perhaps this will inspire your word choices and ideas during your writing this week.

As usual, there is a list of other activities to complete in the table at the bottom of this post. We will not specify a day for these activities; the timetable is up to you.

NOTE: When you are in school, we will build on the Geography lessons that have come previously. Please make sure you do the Geography lesson that is listed in the table at the end of this post. 



Task 1 – SPAG – Let’s recap some punctuation this morning by completing this wordsearch. When you find each word, try to explain what that piece of punctuation does.

Task 2 – Our writing this week is likely to include underwater/coastal animals (perhaps real, perhaps make-believe). To prepare for this, complete this reading comprehension about animals that live at the coast.

Task 3 – Before we start thinking about the plot of our story, let’s first immerse ourselves in the underwater world. Watch this video to help you picture where your story is going to take place. Look at all the colours on display and the range of plants and animals that live there. Which of these might you include in your story?

Task 4 – (This is a Teams assignment. Login to Microsoft Teams to complete this task) Create your own mythical creature! On a piece of paper design a fantastic sea creature to be a character in your story. This could be a helpful character or the villain. It’s up to you. Draw a picture and write some notes about them. Do they have any special powers? Do they have any weaknesses? what is their personality like? Where do they live?


Summer Week 8 – This week continues the focus on algebra that you started last week.

Learning Video     |      Worksheet       |      Lesson 1 Answers

As usual, there is an optional extension task here if you would like it.



Task 1 – SPAG – It’s time for some more spelling practice. Play this game and spot the correct spellings.

Task 2 – The ideas for your story are completely up to you. You could choose an image from the Flotsam book as your inspiration. You could choose one of your images from last week as the setting. Or, you could design somewhere completely new. Before we start planning, spend some time thinking about what your underwater world will be like.

Stuck for ideas? You could…

  • Write an adventure about defeating evil giant starfish who are destroying the coral city!
  • Write a mystery about a stolen pearl that was taken from the Clam King’s Palace!
  • Write a comedy about a group of silly eels who keep trying to help people but it always seems to go wrong!
  • Write an emotional story about an orphaned fish who tries to find out what happened to their family!

REALLY stuck for ideas? Then try this random plot generator! Of course you can change any of the ideas if you want to.

Task 3 – Pause and think about each of these questions:

  • Is this a fantasy story filled with magic or is it more realistic?
  • Who is the main character going to be? Will they be human or animal or mythical creature?
  • What is the main character going to do? Are they going on a quest to find something? Do they need to rescue someone? Are they hunting for the answer to a mystery?
  • What is going to go wrong for them (to make the story more exciting)?
  • What other characters are there? Is there someone who helps the main character or befriends them?
  • Is there a baddie? What are they like?

Task 4 – It’s time to plan out each of the stages of your story. Before completing your own story mountain, watch this video that explains each of the stages that you need to think about.

Task 5 – Complete your own Story Mountain Planning Sheet.


Summer Week 8 –Today’s lesson focuses on finding pairs of values.

Learning Video     |      Worksheet  |      Lesson 2 Answers

There is an optional extension task here if you would like it.



Task 1 – SPAG – Play this game to recap lots of the knowledge that we worked on this year.

Task 2 – What fantastic things will your character encounter in the deep blue world you have created? Will it be funny and silly? Will be be tense and unnerving? Look at the fun image below to give you inspiration! See if you can find all of the items that are listed around the outside of the picture.

Task 3 – It is up to you to decide how your main character will enter your underwater world. Perhaps they live there already; perhaps they are a visitor. Read this story starter to give you some ideas about how you could choose to start your story.

Task 4 – It’s time to start writing. Remember, we have lots of time to write this week and so there is no rush. (We will not be spending any time re-writing like we did on out newspaper report.) Use your plan from yesterday and write the ‘introduction’ and ‘rising action’ sections.


Summer Week 8 – Today’s lesson focuses on converting metric units.

Learning Video   |      Worksheet        |       Lesson 3 Answers

There is an optional extension task here if you would like it.



Task 1 – SPAG – Tomorrow you’ll be doing another wordsearch full of key vocabulary linked to grammar and punctuation. To prepare, play this game to recap the meanings of some of these words.

Task 2 –As we approach the middle of the story. Take the time to picture the next scene really carefully. Take your setting and describe it in as much detail as possible. Make a spider diagram full of expanded nouns (E.g. gliding turtles with barnacled backs) and powerful verbs (e.g. drifting gracefully, surging powerfully). A word bank like this will be really useful as you are writing.

Task 3 –When we’ve done writing in school, we’ve always been amazed at how powerful it is to read over what we’ve done and check that it makes sense and is correctly punctuated. Before you start writing today, start by reading over what you wrote yesterday. Then continue your story.

Task 4 – When you need to take a break from your writing, have a go at another fun picture puzzle below before you get back to work.


Summer Week 8 –. Today’s lesson focuses on miles and kilometres.

Learning Video        |       Worksheet       |      Lesson 4 Answers

There is an optional extension task here if you would like it.



Task 1 – SPAG – Time for another wordsearch. Use your knowledge of key vocabulary to see how many SPaG words you can find in this wordsearch. 

Task 2 – Pause and think about your plan. Is it exciting enough? Is it engaging enough? It is perfectly normal to make changes to a plan during the writing process. Even if you are coming to the end of your story, you could inject a little bit of drama by having one final hurdle for the character to overcome.

Task 3 – Like we did yesterday, remember to start by reading rather than jumping straight into more writing.

Task 4 – Today is the final chance to finish your story. Use this time to get to the very end.


Quick-Fire Friday! Use the websites below or you can complete the questions on this worksheet to practice your calculation skills.  Have you been timing yourself? Are you getting any faster? If you haven’t timed yourself so far, why not try today and see how long the sheet takes you. See if you can beat your time next week.

Times Tables Rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/

Hit the Button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Daily 10: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

Quickulations: https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Quickulations/

Wider Curriculum



Geography Coasts lesson 4

After learning about the way the sea can erode land, this lessons focuses on what we can do to stop too much damage being done. Read this document  and then complete this task.

Art Andy Goldsworthy is famous for using nature to make art. Think about you’re the mythical creature that you created on Monday. Make an image of your creature from natural items in your garden: leaves, pebbles, soil etc.
P.E. This week is National Schools Sports Week! Check the school website for a document full of ideas and links! 

As usual, the new plan for this week is published on our school website at this link.  Click on the most recent link (at the bottom of the list).

Please choose the ideas that are relevant to your child’s age.

Computing Coding

It’s time for some more programming fun. So far, we’ve tried to show you lots of different ways of coding. This week,  we have another new website for you to try.

This week, explore and build underwater worlds with code.

Click here to get started.

P.S.H.E. Thinking about transition. 

In the coming weeks we are going to start thinking about Year 7 and what it will be like. To prepare for that, take some time this week to talk about Year 7 with your parents. Write down any questions you would like to find the answers to. Are you worried about anything in particular? Make not of those too and we will talk about them in school.

Science  Exercise, the heart and muscles.

Complete the next two sections of our website: ‘Types of muscle’ and ‘Test your knowledge: Muscles’

D.T. If you have a windows computer, why not try using the program ‘3D Paint’ to create the features of a coastline that we’ve been learning about?