Home Learning Letter

Summer Term – Week 3

Dear parents/carers,

This week, we continue our exploration of Maya civilisation! So far, we have been introduced to this incredible period in history and learned what life was like for people who lived at that time.

This week, we are going to find out about some of the discoveries the Maya made and the different things they invented.  To share the experience, we ask that you to send photos of your work to office@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk. We will then post all of these on the school website to celebrate what the children have produced and give them the opportunity to see what others have achieved. As we have said previously, we understand that learning at home will look different for different families. We understand if you are not able to completely follow the suggested timetable below.


We encourage all the children to try to do 60 mins of physical activity each day. this can take any form you wish, but Notts School Games Organisers are now publishing weekly PE ideas which we would like all the children to have a go at. This will include a virtual competition each week. The new plan for each week will be published on our school website at this link.

Please choose the ideas that are relevant to your child’s age.


This week, look at the ‘What are bacteria?’ section of the website we have been exploring over the past few weeks. 


White Rose Summer Week  2: links and lessons.

We will continue to follow the lessons on the White Rose Website. If your child would like the option of more maths questions to work through, there are a number of options:

  1. BBC Bitesize have a page of challenges for each week. Here is the week 2 challenge.
  2. As mentioned last week, Classroom Secrets have created a revision document design for home learning (Here are the answers to the learning pack)
  3. We will post additional questions below the maths link for each day. Please be aware that in Year 6 we have covered the entire maths curriculum and so your child may have seen some of these questions in lessons. That said, there should be enough other questions on each document that your child could answer.


TASK 1 – The Maya are responsible for lots of amazing discoveries and inventions. Start by watching this video about some of their achievements

TASK 2 – This booklet will tell you more about the impressive accomplishments of the Maya. Look at each one and then decide which you think is the most impressive. Which do you think was the most important and why? See if your family agree with you!

TASK 3 –Look at each of the mysterious Mayan objects in this booklet . See if you can figure out what they are before looking at the answers. Now, using only a pencil, draw one of the objects. See if you can shade it like these examples.

MATHS – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Summer Week 2, lesson 1.

Optional extension:  Angles-in-Quadrilaterals questions


TASK 5 – In the modern world, we have a well-established number system. We know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide easily! In school, we have also learned that the Romans had a number system. Did you know that, long before the Romans were around, the Maya had their own number system too! Read this booklet about the way the Maya counted and wrote down numbers.

TASK 6 – See if you can understand Maya numbers. There are three sheets to choose from. (The answers are included!)

To get started, click on this sheet.

If you want to try slightly higher numbers, choose this sheet.

If you really want a challenge, try this sheet!

TASK 7 – The Maya did not use money – it hadn’t been invented yet. They used a bartering system instead. This means swapping something you have for something you want. Because cacao beans were so valuable to them (this is what chocolate is made from), they swapped cacao beans instead! The coco beans were like money to them! Look around your house think about how many cacao beans you would pay for each item!

MATHS: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Summer Week 2, Lesson 2.

Optional extension: Angles-in-Polygons questions.


TASK 6 – Today we’re going to learn about Mayan writing. They didn’t use letters and the alphabet that we use. They had a completely different way of writing. Start by reading this booklet and answering the questions at the end.

TASK 7 – Now read this document to find out some more about Maya writing.

TASK 8 – Use what you have learned to write your name using Mayan writing! Here is a Maya alphabet poster that you can help you see the different shapes you will need. If you need a sound that isn’t on the poster, you can make it up instead.

TASK 9 – The Maya used their writing to record key events in their history. We are living in an interesting period right now! Make a time capsule that you can open in the future to remember what life was like during this lockdown. You could make it as simple or as detailed as you like. You could write a letter to your future self or a diary entry. Or, if you really want to make it detailed, you could take ideas from this example.

MATHS: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Summer Week 2, Lesson 3

Optional extension: Answer the first 3 questions of these Summer Maths Problems


TASK 10 – One of the Maya’s greatest achievements was the creation of a calendar. Historians learned a lot more about this when they discovered something called the Sun Stone! Read about it here.

TASK 11 – To find out more about the Maya calendar, watch this short video that explains how it worked.

TASK 12 – Art – draw your own sun stone. You could do this on a piece of paper or even try painting a stone from your garden. A picture of your design could make an impressive page in your research project! Use these ideas for inspiration.

For change and a break from our Maya topic, let’s recap some Spanish! Follow this link to revise the alphabet and numbers. (This lesson is about 30 minutes long)

MATHS: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Summer Week 2, Lesson 4

Optional extension: Answer the next 3 questions on yesterday’s Summer Maths Problems


FRIDAY (BANK HOLIDAY – These tasks are optional but are here for those that would like to complete them.)

The Maya loved learning about the world around them. They observed the stars, the sun and the moon and were fascinated by outer space. Watch this video to find out more.

You have a choice between doing  TASK 13 and TASK 14.

TASK 13 – Use this link to make your own Mayan calendar. This task involves printing. If you do not have a printer, you do not have to do this task.

TASK 14 – Create a piece or art linked to the planets. Use these ideas for inspiration!

TASK 15: If your parents say it is ok, download the Night Sky app on a phone or ipad. It is free to use but MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT SUBSCRIBE or you will be charged!  If you are unsure, ask your parents to help you. Use it to look around the sky (you don’t have to wait until nighttime) and see what constellations and planets you can find.

TASK 16 – Take Time today to add to your learning project. What have you discovered this week? What pictures could include?

TASK 17 – Like we did yesterday, we’re going to take another break from the Maya and recap some Spanish. Today our lesson is about introducing yourself. Again, this lesson will take about 30 minutes. Click here for the lesson. 

MATHS – It’s time for another Quick Fire Friday! Every Friday, we would like the children to practice answering questions quickly. Use the websites below to do this, or alternatively you can complete the questions on the worksheet Quick Fire Friday 3.

Times Tables Rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/

Hit the Button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Daily 10: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/

Children should use the top left drop down menus to select Level 6 and the relevant areas of maths they want to practice. They can then select their own time intervals. Answers will appear at the end.

Quickulations: https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Quickulations/

And finally…

We know how challenging it is to manage your own work and that of your children. We appreciate your support and help during this time. If you have any questions or concerns about this learning pack, please do not hesitate to email the school office (office@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk) or the headteacher (head@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk) and they will forward your message to us.

We look forward to seeing photographs of the work the children produce!

Miss Wroe and Mr Good