In this weeks Tree-mendous Tuesday session we looked carefully at the trees around our school. We then put the skills we have been learning in our art lessons into action and sketched some of the autumn trees. We were blown away by the artists of year 3 who used the different grades of pencil to create contrasting tones and textures in their sketches. You really are such an artistic bunch!

We then discussed our thoughts and feelings about autum. Some of our favourite comments were ‘I enjoy the crunch of the autumn leaves under my wellies’, ‘I enjoy watching the leaves dance down as they fall off the trees’ and  ‘I love the autumnal colours that surround us’.  Over the course of the year, we will also be sketching the trees in winter, spring and summer looking carefully at how they change throughout the seasons.

The children finished the session with a toasty hot chocolate and a delicious s’more that our helpful volunteers helped to melt on the fire. Another great session Year 3- well done! 🙂