
Dear Children, Parents and Carers,

Welcome to our new look learning pack!

Parents, we realise that many of you are experiencing an increased demand on your time and in response to some feedback we have tried to make the learning pack a little more intuitive and user friendly.  Hopefully the links to all the documents should open in a new webpage. If not just drop us an email and we will endeavour to fix the problem. If you would prefer to download and print a paper version of this letter please click here: Letter to parents Summer 2 Week 4b . Although this should make the pack easier to use, we would emphasise that most of our Year 4 children will still need an adult’s help in accessing and understanding the tasks and learning involved.

At least the sun has been shining a little bit more this week even though the showers have been quite dramatic too. Fingers crossed that next week will be even better. It has been so nice to hear from all our families during the last couple of weeks. Great to know that the children are getting on with their work, helping out at home and developing new skills. Top tip children: if you haven’t done the above it’s never too late to start!

We know some of you will have already watched our Year 4 PHSE Challenge video. It turned out to be more of a technical challenge than we imagined. We know some of you have been very disappointed as your video wasn’t on the original or even second attempt. We sent out a second request earlier in the week to all the families for whom we have no video. When it’s ready we’ll let you know. We’re going to have a relaunch – TAKE TWO – and would encourage all of you to have another look. It’s a great chance to see even more of your friends.

Remember to keep getting in touch. Pictures of you and your families, out and about or doing work, always put a smile on our faces. We’d also like to see some of your completed projects so don’t worry about sending them in.

Don’t forget to keep as active as you can. At least one hour of daily activity is recommended for children. How many times can you throw a ball in the air and then catch it? How many claps can you do whilst the ball is in the air? Can you juggle two or more balls? Set up a competition with the other people in your household? Send us a photo.

To improve your skills in a variety of disciplines. Follow this link:

https://abbeyroadprimary.co.uk/category/news/sporting-news/ to our website’s Sporting News page for some suggestions on this week’s focus sport. You’re never too old to improve. Mrs Dussek has asked us to let you know that next week is National Sports Week. You’ll find more information on the above link. It’s never too late…




Times-tables Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/

Please keep using the Sound Check game. It’s a great way to learn your tables. Send us your best time yet!

Maths teaching and learning:

This week we will be revising place-value knowledge and addition. As we have already covered the lessons on the White Rose webpage, the path you need to follow to the lessons looks a little different. Follow the links below to the teaching videos and the worksheets.


Lesson 1: 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000

Video: https://vimeo.com/425562383

and worksheet: Maths Lesson Day 1 1s 10s 100s 1000s

with answers: Maths Lesson Day 1 1s 10s 100s 1000s answers


Lesson 2: Add 2, 4-digit numbers, no exchange


and worksheet: Maths Lesson Day 2 Add two digit numbers no exchange

with answers: Maths Lesson Day 2 Add two digit numbers no exchange answers


Lesson 3: Add 2, 4-digit numbers, 1 exchange

Video https://vimeo.com/425562776

and worksheet: Maths Lesson Day 3 Add two 4 digit numbers one exchange

with answers: Maths Lesson Day 3 Add two 4 digit numbers one exchange answers


Lesson 4: Add two 4-digit numbers, 2+ exchanges

Video https://vimeo.com/425563010

and worksheet: Maths Lesson Day 4 Add two 4 digit numbers more than one exchange

with answers: Maths Lesson Day 4 Add two 4 digit numbers more than one exchange answers


Use Challenge Friday to consolidate your learning from earlier in the week or take up the challenge at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zsrgp4j

Daily summary Maths:

  • Times tables warm up 5 minutes Rockstars
  • Video links and worksheet on Year 4 webpage
  • Challenge/Catch up Friday

This week we’re going to complete our focus on Water, so that next week we can move onto our final topic for the year. There are 3 tasks to complete this week. It sounds like a lot but one of them is very short and we’re sure you’ll enjoy the other 2 as well. Maps and posters what’s not to like. Follow this link to the Geography Pack: Geography Pack Week 4 , activities: Geography Activity 1 and 2 and prompt sheets for Activity 3: Geography water conservation prompt sheet and Geography Saving Water Sorting Cards

There’s lots more we could find out about water and you might like to do some further research with your families. You could find out about water poverty and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Read the last Geography Extra learning pack or do your own research using your Geography Water Knowledge Organsier to help you. For other fun activities related to water visit https://www.stwater.co.uk/about-us/education-zone/education-zone/.

or try making this fun water fortune teller: Geography Extra Water fortune teller

Basic skills Monday:

Find all the resources you need to keep up your basic skills:

Spelling: Literacy Day 1 Spelling Summer 2 weeks 3 and 4 and Literacy Day 1 Spelling Activity Week 4

Handwriting: Literacy Day 1 Handwriting practice Sum2 Week 4

Punctuation and Grammar: Literacy Day 1 PaG Week 4

Remember to keep a close eye on those statutory spellings in all your writing. That includes writing in other subjects as well!

You’ll find the statutory words here: Literacy Statutory spelling list Year 3 and 4

Tuesday to Friday:

This week we’re going to keep it simple and focus on our reading and comprehension activities. Did you know that World Water Day happens every year on the 22nd March and every year there is a different theme. Find out what’s been happening by reading the information in the comprehensions from 2018 and 2019 and the information sheets for 2020:

Literacy Comprehension World Water Day 2018

Literacy Comprehension World Water Day 2019

Literacy World Water Day 2020 Information.

There are 3 levels in the comprehensions so make sure you choose the one that suits your reading ability.

We recommend that you start with the 2018 comprehension. Some children may need help with reading the 2019 comprehension as it is aimed at a slightly older age group.

Literacy Summary Week 4

Day 1: Basic skills activities SPaG

Day 2 – 5: Read through the Fact files and PDF’s about World Water Day and answer the questions on the two comprehensions.

 Remember Spanish for all the family at: https://www.thenational.academy/

  • follow the link to the Online Lessons;
  • click on the Subjectbutton;
  • select Year 4followed by Foundation 


ELSA: Have a go at the wellbeing diary this week: ELSA Wellbeing-diary. You can print it as many times as you like and write a range of different things that make you happy. Enjoy your accomplishments and bask in your wellbeing. Mrs Lovett our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant asked us to remind you of the ELSA website. Lots of fun activities for all the family. See:https://www.elsa-support.co.uk/category/free-resources/coronavirus-support/

Good luck. Remember to let us know how you’ve been getting on. We love hearing all your news and seeing your work too, so keep sending in photos, files and power-points. You can email them to us through Mrs Mc Neil in her office at office@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk, Mrs Toom in her office at head@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk or Mrs Horton in her office at tina.horton@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk !

Take care and keep staying safe.

Best wishes,

Mrs Avery and Mr Marshall