
Welcome to Friday – gosh you have all been so brilliant at homeschooling work but we cannot wait to see you back in school on Monday! Here is today’s plan:


Spellings – starting with a little spelling test of your ‘ow’ words.

Then here is Mrs Boughton telling you your new spellings – all with ‘ar’ in them.

After watching the video there is an activity here to do too.

Reading – please have a last read of your favourite school book – then pop them all into your book bag ready to return on Monday.

Phonics – you can either do Phonics with Rosie (o-e sound) here or there are two phonics games linked to the split o-e sound:

Click on the link then select o-e (bottom right) , click the snail to hear the o-e word, then try and spell it.

Click on this froggy game. You have to try and get across the road and river but only use real words. Select o-e words from the menu. (It’s quite tricky to get across!)


Here is todays video and here is a worksheet to do. Where the sheet asks you to measure with cubes you can use something you have at home – Lego, Duplo, wooden blocks, paper clips. Just make sure whatever you use you select bricks of the same size to count in (eg: if you use the 8 dot Lego only select that one size to measure with, don’t mix up the Lego brick sizes)


This afternoon you are going to try and include some features from Georgia O’Keeffe paintings into a piece of your own artwork.

Have a look at this Powerpoint to learn a little more about the artist.

Now here is the PowerPoint from last week. We are going to try and create one big poppy just like the poppy on the last slide.

You will need to get a big piece of blank paper – you can use your school book if you have no other paper. Try and use a pencil to sketch a poppy – start with the very dark part in the middle of the poppy. Now draw 4 or 6 very large petals – so big they almost touch the edge of the paper!

Next you are going to make your poppy full of colour, see if you can try and make the edges of the petals lighter and the centre of the petals darker, just like Georgia O’Keeffe did in her poppy.

You could use paint (if you have any) or collage with bits of magazine or materials, if you have watercolour paints these are great to use – start by doing the lighter part then build up to the dark part. You could use pencil crayon to shade the petals in –  press harder in the middle to make it darker. Felt tips are probably the least ideal to use as they are hard to change to light and dark.

Here is a link your parents might like to take a look at, it shows some pictures of other children trying to copy a Georgia O’Keeffe flower.

We really can’t wait to see some photographs of your large, colourful poppies!


Here is Mrs McNeill from the office reading a story for you.