Exploring the Willow Pattern!

Exploring the Willow Pattern!

In our literacy lessons, we have been exploring a range of Ancient Chinese myths. This week we are looking at the tale of ‘The Willow Pattern’. You may recognise the willow pattern as it is a distinctive and elaborate pattern used on lots of ceramic kitchen/houseware- if you look at the crockery closely you can see the story of Kong Shee, Chan and a very selfish mandarin.

This afternoon we retold the myth by creating our own willow pattern plates, working hard to add in all of the intricate details. We then enjoyed some noodles cooked on the fire and some fruit tea. Finally, we tended to our flower beds and planted some new seeds

As always Year 3 thank you for a lovely afternoon! 🙂

By |2023-05-09T17:35:36+01:00May 9th, 2023|Homepage Slider, Year 3|

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