Hello Year 3 parents,

As it is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March our daily timetable will look a bit different than the usual remote learning. We know it is still a week away, but we thought we should give you the ‘heads up’ so as not to cause any additional stress or confusion at home.

As we are aware most of you work/have other commitments so we have tried our best to create fun activities for the children which they can still access (for the most part hopefully) independently.

The rough plan for the day is as follows…

Morning tasks-

-Miss Moore shares a story and sets a task.

-Mrs Seagrave shares a story and sets a task.

-Class Teams Call (40 mins) we are asking the children join the teams call in their comfiest pyjamas or dressed as their favourite book character, the choice is yours. We would also like the children to bring a favourite book along to the call to talk about with their friends. After we have discussed our books, we will be playing an exciting quiz based on some very famous children’s books!

Afternoon tasks-

-Design your own book cover badge art activity

– Sit back, relax and enjoy a lovely story from Mrs Turner to finish the day!

Resources your child may need for the activities (we have tried our best for it to be things that are easily accessible).

-Coloured pencils/pencil

-2p Coin



– A jar/container/lunchbox/basket to decorate (anything to store things in)

-Plain Paper


-A book of choice

Our aim is, if the children have these things ready on Thursday, they can watch the recorded lessons/teams calls and then hopefully they can have a go at the tasks by themselves and still enjoy the World Book Day fun at home. We will make sure to put the WBD post up earlier than usual so you can glance over beforehand. Please let us know if you have any questions at all 😊.


Just another quick heads up, in our maths lessons next week we are moving on to measuring. It would be great if your child could have a ruler or measuring tape that measures in cm and mm to help support this learning. Please don’t worry if not, we will be uploading a printable ruler in our posts next week!

Thank you very much,

The Year3 Team