We have had a wonderful day fundraising for Children in Need!  All the children looked absolutely SPOTacular in their non-uniform.  The Duck Race was a huge hit and so much fun – well done to 5DM and Rainbows for their winning ducks!  Additionally, throughout the day, the children took part in Run Pudsey – putting their class teachers through their paces as they tried to keep up!  And finally, we ended the day with a delicious cake sale in the playground after school, run by our amazing School and Wellbeing Council members.

The School and Wellbeing Council would like to thank you for your incredibly generous donations and cake contributions to this year’s Children in Need.  We have been blown away by all the amount of money we look set to raise, thank-you from the bottom of our hearts.  As soon as we have a final total, we will share it with you.

Enjoy looking through some of the photos we took of the day!

The School and Wellbeing Council