
About petegood

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So far petegood has created 112 blog entries.
8 03, 2024

World Book Day in Year 4

By |2024-03-08T13:14:18+00:00March 8th, 2024|Art Gallery, Year 4, Year 4 Art Gallery|

Like the rest of school, we started World Book Week by looking at a poem from the book 'The Lost Words'. This inspired us to write our own poem and an animal - we chose a swan! Over the course of the week, we developed our ideas and wrote poems filled with metaphors and [...]

18 12, 2023

DT Project – Electronic Games!

By |2023-12-18T16:18:54+00:00December 18th, 2023|News, Year 4|

After learning about electric circuits last half term, Year 4 have spent the past few weeks researching, planning and designing their own electronic game. Today was the day we brought our plans to life. It was challenging and required teamwork and resilience but were so proud of the final products! Have a look at [...]

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