Year 4

Year 4 News

8 03, 2024

World Book Day in Year 4

By |2024-03-08T13:14:18+00:00March 8th, 2024|Art Gallery, Year 4, Year 4 Art Gallery|

Like the rest of school, we started World Book Week by looking at a poem from the book 'The Lost Words'. This inspired us to write our own poem and an animal - we chose a swan! Over the course of the week, we developed our ideas and wrote poems filled with metaphors and [...]

30 01, 2024

Young Voices 2024

By |2024-01-30T10:11:57+00:00January 30th, 2024|Homepage Slider, Special Events, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6|

Our 120 Glee Club members had an amazing day at the Young Voices concert last week. They sang and danced with gusto and enjoyed the whole arena experience. Many thanks to our parent volunteers for helping us on the day, we couldn't do it without you. Here are some photos from our day. [...]

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