In today’s FS session we introduced our topic ‘Ancient China’. In history lessons, we will be mainly focusing on the Shang Dynasty.

First, we studied some artwork by the Chinese painter Xu Xi. We looked carefully at his artwork discussing what we noticed, liked and disliked about some of his most famous collections. Next, we discussed the careful detail Xu Xi focused on in each of his paintings and tried our best to copy part of his design, focusing on the finer details. We are sure Xi Xu himself would have been proud of the care and attention you all showed! 🙂

After that, we explored a range of artefacts and items that linked to both China and Ancient China, allowing the children to share what they already know and what they hope to find out. This sparked lots of interesting conversations and we are very much looking forward to diving into this topic further.

Finally, we finished the session with some delicious fruit tea and fortune cookie.