We have been enjoying our learning through our Fairy Tales topic.

We started with Goldilocks and The Three Bears.

We enjoyed acting out the story in the home corner.

We made and designed our own porridge, observing the changes as we heated it up.

In Forest Schools , we followed clues , which involved rolling down the hill.

We made porridge in the mud kitchen and loved toasting marshmallows on the fire.

We made troll masks for the Three Billy Goats Gruff and

experimented to see who could make the strongest bridge.

We have enjoyed watching our grass seeds grow.

In our Jack In The Beanstalk week we learnt about castles.

We labelled the main features of a castle.

We learnt about the food they used to eat and how it was

different from the food we eat today.

We made some beanstalks at our craft table and dough table.

We also made some lovely crowns to make us look like Kings and Queens.