Well we’ve all made it to the end of another week, and we think you are…..
It was great to see you all in the Teams meeting yesterday. Remember that in order to get the “gallery” option you need to be using the App rather than the web based teams. You can download the App for free.
There’s a Teams assignment due in for Literacy this morning – so remember to try and submit your work through your Teams account – don’t forget to press “Turn in”.
A quick reminder for those of you who are behind with your assignments – it is never too late and we will always give you feedback.
We’ve pasted a quick reminder of your daily routine here to help you keep track of what you should do next.
After watching your morning greeting, with Mrs Avery and Mr Marshall
click on the link below to continue with your Guided Reading:
Warm-up: Keep practising your spellings. This week: Week 5: Adding the suffix ‘ion’ to words ending in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’. If you have lost your booklet you can click on the link below, it will take you to the correct page.
Remember to give yourself a test and email the results to us at year4@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk.
Main task: Your activity today is to complete a book review on ‘Ice Palace’.
Log in to your Teams account to watch the video. You can either complete the word book review template on the PDF, in Word or create your own review. Make sure to answer all the questions included in the lesson or on the template in your own review.
If you’re having difficulty with Teams, watch the video below, complete your book review and email a copy of your work to us at: year4@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk.
Friday video: https://youtu.be/43uvD2CNenk
Word template: Book_review_template
PDF- Book review PDF
Warm-up: Keep practising your times-tables. The sheets to practise all your times-tables are on Monday’s post.
Give yourself a test and let us know how you got on. Email your result to:
Main task: Today we’ll continue using a formal method to represent multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Watch the video: https://youtu.be/2rTxsT18cmc
Answer the questions: Friday Maths Challenge Sheet
Check the answers: The answers can be found at the end of the video.
Geography: Water: Will I ever see that glass of water again?
To continue our Geography topic, we are going to be looking at- Where does water come from? How does it get to us? Where does it go when we’re finished with it?
Fieldwork! There are 2 tasks to complete today. Some adult support may be required for parts of these tasks.
There are activity sheets that can be completed, but there is no need to print them as you can design your own version of these if you prefer.
We’ve had a problem with the links and video clips in our video.
Hopefully this silent video will work:
Remember to pause the video if you need it to stay on a slide for a bit longer.
The you tube clip about sewage treatment is here:
You can access a PDF of the lesson here:
Lesson 3 How does water go in and come out
and the tasks here:
Geography Tasks- Geography Activity 1 and 2
That’s it, you’ve made it to the end of another week. We hope you’ve had a Happy Friday and just remember that you are fabulous. Have a super weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday.