In our story this week George learns he doesnt need a cape to save the world. The children are learning that they can save the world by doing simple things each day. We have learnt about the 4 R’s Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and Repair! After all the sorting this week the children must be recycling experts!
The children have thought of lots of creative ways to reduce our waste including a huge cardboard airplane and lots of cooling fans. Concertina folding was a little tricky but most of us managed it.
In Maths this week we have been learning about time, we have been sequencing pictures to show the order of the day. We have also practised less/more and fewer. In PSHE we have been thinking about moving onto Year 1! we met our Jigsaw friend from Year 1 -Jack. The children have enjoyed using our new roleplay shoe shop and have had great fun practising skills for sports day in the outdoor play area. When it all gets too hot we now have our ‘Calm Corner’ a lovely space to share a book, cool down and chill out!