It has been so lovely to see so many happy faces back in Foundation.
The children are keen and ready to learn.
We started our Fairy Stories topic with “Goldilocks and The Three Bears.”
Look at the wonderful bear masks that we made. We loved acting out the story in our role play area.
We made our own porridge and watched the change in consistency from flakes to gooey, creamy porridge!
We chose our own toppings and talked about which were healthy and which were special treats.
It was so yummy!
In Finger Gym we used tweezers to collect 10 cheerios from the porridge.
We practised our letter formation by using cotton buds and water to make the letters on the chalk board disappear!
We had fun in gymnastics, learning different rolls and balances.
In ICT we used the Doodle Buddy app to draw our own pictures.