Wow! What an AMAZING first week at school the children have had. It is wonderful to see so many happy, smiley faces coming in to school each morning. They have settled in so well and have already learnt lots of new routines.

They have been busy every morning doing Finger Gym  – these activities help to develop children’s wrist, hand and finger muscles ready for writing. We have also been singing, counting and recognising numerals in maths. We have enjoyed lots of lovely stories and also introduced ourselves to our new friends during Circle Time.

We have had lots of fun this week preparing for Rainbow and Sunshine Bears’ sleepover and picnic. We made some delicious biscuits!

We enjoyed bringing in our own teddies to meet Rainbow Bear and Sunshine Bear…

The teddies were very excited to have a sleepover! We gave them a kiss and a cuddle and tucked them into bed before we went home. But…the cheeky teddies woke up, climbed out of bed and started playing in Foundation! Luckily, the grown-ups were still there to take some photos…

We painted beautiful pictures of our teddies.

On Friday, we enjoyed our Teddy Bear’s Picnic and also played some party games.

Here are some more photographs of our playing and learning. What a busy week!

We hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend. See you on Monday for more fun! 🙂