What an eventful last Pupil Parliament we had today!  Our Pupil Parliament reps had a wonderful time.  The afternoon started with an inspiration talk by Sam Oldham, an Olympian gymnast.  The children were transfixed and listened to every word.  Sam spoke to the children about how when he was young he had a lot of energy to burn and found it a struggle to sit still.  His teacher mentioned a gymnastics club to his parents which Sam attended and was hooked! Sam spoke about how  hard he worked to make it as an Olympic gymnast and the hours he had to put in to achieve his dream of getting to the Olympics.  His message to believe in yourself really resonated with the children – you can succeed and achieve your dreams if you work hard enough.

After a short break, the children debated, ‘Should governments be able to start wars even if there are people in the country that don’t agree with it?’.  Both representatives stood up and gave their opinions on more than one occasion, representing Abbey Road’s pupil voice fantastically.

This was the final Pupil Parliament of the year and one of the best yet.  Well done Pupil Parliament Reps!