This week in Reception we have been learning all about pets! We have had the best week meeting lots of different pets and learning about how to take care of them. Here are some lovely photos of the gorgeous animals that visited us.

We had some sad news on Thursday that Sam the dog was lost! the children made some missing dog posters to help us find Sam. Thanks to the children Mrs Toom found Sam and returned him to us!

We have been having fun in our Vets surgery this week. We have been using stethoscopes to check the pulse of the animals, checked their temperature with a thermometer and even operated on some of the animals! We have some great vets in our unit.

To finish our fabulous week about pets, we completed an agility course! The children told us what obstacles they would like us to put out and told us what movements they were going to do and what parts of their body they were going to use. They did a super job!