Year 3 enjoyed a whole day of Forest School today immersing themselves in life from the Stone Age. We began by discussing what a human needs to survive – food, water, shelter and clothing. We then discussed in what order they felt they should be dealt with and the overwhelming majority said water first – thank goodness! We posed questions we would like to find out about the Stone Age.
We then spent the rest of the day outside:
Whittling spears for hunting, practising hunting animals using javelins and Miss Moore’s poor rocking horse!, cave painting using berries and mud for paint, looking at animal bones in a cave as well as preparing a Stone Age feast – Vegetable and Fruit stew.
In the afternoon, we did some shelter building and attempted to cook our stew on the fire. The rain dampened our fire and we couldn’t cook our stew – so we are looking forward to tasting them tomorrow!