In our history lessons, we have been learning all about the citizens of the Shang Dynasty and how they were classified into four social classes: the king and aristocracy, the military, artisans and craftsmen, and peasants. We have explored what day-to-day life might have been like for each and were fascinated by how much it differed depending on which social class you were a part of.

This afternoon we asked the children to choose one of the job roles (randomly out of a hat) which they would then become for the session. We explained to the children that they couldn’t break character and had to go about their daily lives,  interacting with the other characters. We were so impressed with how well everyone did this- particularly our noble warriors who didn’t break character once!

We then created our own oracle  bones, carving out a question to the gods using Ancient Chinese script.

A FANTASTIC session year 3, well done you marvellous historians!