Home Learning Letter – Year 1

Good morning everyone,

We hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Here is a suggested timetable of lessons and activities for Wednesday.

Wednesday 13th January


Today in literacy we are going to practice ed endings. Have a little think back to our Toy Story topic – we learnt about ed endings when we wrote about Buzz – do you remember? Action words (verbs) often end with ed – this shows they happened in the past, for example jump becomes jumped, shout becomes shouted. In your book, write down as many verbs ending in ed as you can – try to link them to your Naughty Bus pictures eg zoomed, crashed. Now choose four or five words and include them in some sentences about your Naughty Bus. For example The Naughty Bus zoomed through the living room and crashed into the sofa with a bump!


Practise your spellings – Make a pairs game with your spellings.

thing   wing   bring   sing   king   string

Cut up a piece of paper into smaller pieces and write each spelling twice on separate pieces of paper. When you’ve written them all out turn them all over face down on the table. Take turns with a partner to find the matching pairs.

Reading – Read a book from Oxford Owl – there are usually some nice activities to do at the end.


Phonics is aw sound with Rosie today – follow the link here. It is available from 9.30.  Remember to do set 3 speed sound activity and then the spelling activity.


We are continuing adding by making ten today. Please watch the video here and answer the questions on the worksheet. Write your answers in your book if you are unable to print the worksheet.


Yesterday’s activity asked you to go on a little walk and look for human and physical features in the local area. Today we’d like you to draw and label the route you took. Click here to see a small map and satellite image – do you recognise anything? The maps are taken from above and so we call it a bird’s eye view! You could also looks on Google maps Click here  (with an adult’s help) – can you find your house? Abbey Road school? Morrisons? Or any other features of West Bridgford we have been learning about?

Now draw your own map with your route of your walk yesterday. Make sure it’s a bird’s eye view and remember maps only have things that are always there so people or animals should not be on your map!

Additional activity

Bee-Bot – this is a free app for tablet use. The children have used the app at school to practise programming and coding. It also links well with our Journeys topic.

Have a lovely day! Remember we’re here if you need us!