Home learning letter – Year 1

Good morning everyone,

It was so lovely to see your smiley faces on our live Teams meeting yesterday. You are all doing so well with your home learning – we are so proud of you all 😊.

Here are today’s lessons. We hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday 27th January


Literacy is a Teams activity today. You are going to be thinking about where your alien lives! Please submit your work by 5.00 – many thanks.


Remember to read for a few minutes everyday – this could be any picture books you have at home or from the Oxford Owl website.


Teach your teddies your spellings – play  away  stayed  holiday  always  today


Phonics is with Rosie today – focusing on the ure sound. Click on the link here.


Before you start todays maths, spend 5 minutes practising counting in different numbers. Can you count in 10s from 10 to 100 and back again? Can you count in 2s from 2 to 32? Can you count in 10s from any number eg 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63?

Today you are going to be comparing number sentences. Watch the video and complete the worksheet.


This week in history you have been learning all about two famous explorers – Roald Amundsen and Neil Armstrong. Today you are going to compare them both and write about what’s the same and what’s different.

Split your book in half and at the top write ‘same’ and under the line in the middle write ‘different’. Now write 3 things that are the same about both explorers and 3 things that are different. For example for same you could write Both explorers had to wear special clothes for their trips. For different you could write Amundsen took dogs on his expedition and Armstrong didn’t take any animals on his trip.


Finish the day by watching Mrs Toom’s assembly.