
Dear Children, Parents and Carers,

Hopefully the links to all the documents should open in a new webpage. If not just drop us an email and we will endeavour to fix the problem. If you would prefer to download and print a paper version of this letter please click here: Letter to parents Summer 2 Week 5

It is so good that the sun is out again and breaking through the clouds. It makes learning outside so much more fun. Shorts and T-shirt weather!

Fingers crossed it keeps up. It’s great to know that the children are getting on with their work, helping out at home and developing new skills. Top tip children: Getting a green finger when you’re younger is a fantastic idea- try and help in the garden at some point this week.

Remember to keep getting in touch. Pictures of you and your families out and about or doing work always put a smile on our faces.

Don’t forget to keep as active as you can. At least one hour of daily activity is recommended for primary aged children on top of improving your PE skills. In the Key Worker Groups, we have been enjoying many of the Just Dance videos found on YouTube. Some of our particular favorites are Rasputin, Vodovorot and The Final Countdown. Why not have a look and find a favourite of your own!

To improve your skills in a variety of disciplines. Follow this link:

https://abbeyroadprimary.co.uk/category/news/sporting-news/ to our website’s Sporting News page for suggestions on this week’s focus sport. You’re never too old to improve.



Times-tables: Times-tables Rockstars. Please keep using the Sound Check game it’s a great way to learn your tables. Send us your best time yet!

Maths teaching and learning:

This week we will be revising subtraction as we have already covered the lessons on the White Rose webpage. So it will look a little different. Follow the links below to the teaching videos and click the links for the worksheets.

Monday: Lesson 1:Video https://vimeo.com/427996624

Subtract two 4-digit numbers – no exchange

Subtract two 4-digit numbers – no exchange answers

Tuesday: Lesson 2: Video- https://vimeo.com/428000196

Subtract two 4-digit numbers – one exchange

Subtract two 4-digit numbers – one exchange answers

Wednesday: Lesson 3: Video https://vimeo.com/428000367

Subtract two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange

Maths Lesson 3 Answers – Subtract two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange 2019

Thursday: Lesson 4: Video https://vimeo.com/428003455

Efficient Subtraction

Efficient Subtraction answers

 Friday: Use Challenge Friday to consolidate your learning from earlier in the week or take up the challenge at https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Family-Challenge-Friday-19th.pdf and use the answers at https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Family-Challenge-Friday-19th-Answers.pdf when complete you can fill in the certificate on the Year 4 web page. The worksheet and answers can also be found on the Year 4 web page or click for the Challenge.

Maths Lesson 5 – Challenge Friday

Daily summary Maths:

  • Times tables warm up 5 minutes Rockstars
  • Video links and worksheet on Year 4 webpage
  • Challenge/Catch up Friday

This week we are going to start our final topic for the year Rivers. We will continue to build upon our prior knowledge about water.  Throughout the topic, we will learn how a river changes its journey from the source to its mouth and what it might meet along the way. We will be using our map reading skills to locate the major rivers of the world and ones slightly closer to us. Finally learning about what local councils have to put in place to stop flooding.  There are two main tasks to complete this week and three optional tasks. Work through the Rivers information, watch the videos and complete the tasks.

Learning Challenge

Geography Rivers KO

Rivers Week 1 Home Learning Input

Geography Rivers Label Rivers Task 1

Geography Rivers River Features Task 2

Geography Rivers Optional Task 3 Word search

Topic summary:

  • Read the rivers information and watch the videos
  • Complete task 1 and 2- Label the main rivers and find the longest river of each continent/Label or create the journey of a river.
  • Have a go at the optional tasks.


Basic skills Monday (Day 1): This week we’re going to look at how to use an apostrophe to show plural possession. As this is quite complicated we’ve decided to just focus on this for today. Look at the PDF explaining what it is all about – everybody might need some help with this and then work your way through the activity booklet. You don’t need to do it all in one day and there are some nice mindfulness activities along the way that you can do whenever you like. Good luck.

Literacy Day 1 Spelling Summer 2 weeks 5 and 6

Literacy Day 1 The-Possessive-Apostrophe

Literacy Day 1 Apostrophes-for-possession-activity-booklet

Tuesday (Day 2): Complete the reading comprehension. There are three levels in the comprehension so make sure you choose the one that suits your reading ability. You will learn many facts, which might come in handy later on.

Literacy Day 2 Rivers of the world reading comprehension

Wednesday (Day 3): First, read through the input and have a go at matching the different poetry features to the explanations and examples. Next, have a read of the poem ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom to see if you can spot any of the features you have matched. Don’t forget to say what you like or dislike about the poem with reasons why.

Literacy Day 3 Input

Literacy Day 3 Match the poem features

 Thursday (Day 4): Read a different poem today called ‘The River’ and see if you can spot any of the poetic features from yesterday. Next use the PowerPoint to write your poem based on ‘The River’. Make sure you follow the helpful hints provided.

Literacy Day 4 Input and task

Literacy Day 4 Task 1

Friday (Day 5): This is your chance to edit and improve your poem. To finish, think about how you could present your poem. Use the work you did on your raindrop story to help you to re-write your poem and illustrate it in an interesting way.

Literacy Day 5

Literacy Summary Week 5

Day 1: Basic skills activities: Using an apostrophe to show plural possession

Day 2: Rivers Comprehension

Day 3: Poem features matching and finding features in a poem 

Day 4: Starter on features and write your own River poem

Day 5:  Edit/improve poem and publish with decoration

Remember Spanish for all the family at:


  • follow the link to the Online Lessons;
  • click on the Subjectbutton;
  • select Year 4followed by Foundation 

ELSA: Have a go at the Lockdown 2020 Reflections sheet found on the Year 4 Page or below.  This might be something you want to keep to look back on in years to come.

ELSA Lockdown Review 2020

Mrs Lovett our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant asked us to remind you of the ELSA website. Lots of fun activities for all the family. See:


Good luck. Remember to let us know how you’ve been getting on. You can email photos and work to us through Mrs Mc Neil in her office at office@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk, Mrs Toom in her office at head@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk or Mrs Horton in her office at tina.horton@abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk !

Take care and keep staying safe.

Best wishes,

Mrs Avery and Mr Marshall