On Tuesday 23rd April, 2ML arrived at school with the largest suitcases possible, ready for our residential trip to Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire. We travelled by coach and on arrival, we got started straight away with a bird identification hunt. Then we went into the woods and did a minibeast / invertebrates hunt where we found so many different creature despite the cold weather. After a delicious lunch, we went on a savenger hunt and then created some beautiful environmental art. We then had some time in our rooms, where the children choose their bunk beds, tea of sausage and mash was followed by a campfire, with games, songs and of course marshmellows!

After a good nights sleep, we went for breakfast, many children having a cooked breakfast and cereal, and onto archery and a stealth game in the woods. Then finally den building, lunch and of course a visit to the gift shop before getting back on the coach.

All the staff, both at the centre and those from Abbey Road were very impressed with the teamwork, independence and overall kindness which was shown by 2ML for the whole trip. We are very proud to be your teachers and it was a  pleasure to see you challenge yourself – whether picking up minibeasts, sleeping away from home or trying something new to eat. Well done everyone!