We would like to say thank you for all your kind words and gifts that you have given us. It has been an amazing journey that we have been on together and we have had a wonderful time this year.

It has been lovely seeing how much you have all progressed and grown in 2021/2022. We have done so much from visiting Rushcliffe, going to Beaumanor Hall, visting the library, sports day not to mention all of the super work you have done in the classrrom.

We hope you have wonderful holidays and make lots of memories this  Summer. Have a wonderful time in Year 3 and don’t forget to say hello or give us a smile or wave as you go passed.

Thank you again

The Year 2 Team

Mrs Marshall, Mrs Lever, Mrs Turner, Miss Angel, Mrs Rogers, Miss King, Mrs Winch, Miss Cox, Miss Kumari and Mrs Malik