Tuesday 2nd March

Finger gym

  • Get some string and learn to tie a simple knot onto the spoon. Cross the string over, loop through the middle and pull! (I know that it is easier said than done.)
  • Test to see if you have tied it correctly by lifting the spoon from the floor or the table into air and see if the string stays tied on the spoon.

Story time

  • Listen to Mrs. Simister read the story “Traction Man”




  • Join in with Mrs. Simister’s PE lesson Super hero catching


Art /DT

  • Make an outfit for Traction Man using different materials. Draw an outline and use any fabric or materials that you can find

Weekly dance



  • Complete the Look Say Cover Write maths sheet provided in your pack, send a photo to
  • Start off with two cakes. These can be pretend made from playdough or real.
  • Put them on a plate, how can we half this between the two toy’s?
  • Have one cake on a plate. How can we half this? There is only one cake. What can we do?
  •  Cut the cake in half and put half on each toy’s plate to show that if there are two toys and one cake, they get half a cake each.
  • Repeat for three cakes and two toys. They get one and a half each.
  • Emphasise that the two halves must be identical or it is not fair!  You cannot have a big half and a small half. The halves must be equal.
  • Let us know how your child gets on with this and send a photo to
  • Rainbows – roberts@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk

Sunshines – maria.simister@abbeyroadprimary.co.uk

Extended learning for math’s

Dan sentence

  • Watch Mrs. Simister’s Dan video – Dan and ted are on the bed.


  • No need for the children to write the sentence yet. Get your child to repeat the sentence to help them get it in their brains. They are getting so good though that there are only two videos this week so they write it next time!