Hello everyone

Well done for completing another busy week and working so brilliantly with planning your persuasive speeches about deforestation.

Here are this week’s spellings …

This is the spelling PowerPoint that we used in school to remind about how we work out whether to double the ‘r’ in words with ‘fer’.  Remember to practice your words by writing them and having a go at the games on ‘Spelling Shed’.

Homework – Rainforest Animal

This week your homework is a ‘Teams’ assignment. Please go to your Teams account to find out all about it.  We would like you to submit your work via Teams too. We look forward to see how you presented your research about your rainforest animal.  If you cannot access Teams here are the details:

Last week, for homework, you were asked to read information about animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest.  Then, you chose one of your favourites to read about in more detail. This week we would like you to present your information, about your chosen animal in an interesting and eye-catching way. This could be an information poster, a leaflet, a small booklet, a PowerPoint, some artwork, a video – the  choice is yours. 

Remember to include 

  • Layer of the rainforest the animal lives in 
  • Description of the animal 
  • Picture or drawing of the animal 
  • What the animal eats 
  • Is the animal endangered? 
  • What is its lifespan? 
  • Any other interesting facts.